Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Read this Book! We are living at a time where people are searching for answers to fundamental questions in their lives and this book can be, if applied, a roadmap to personal enlightenment and empowerment. I believe it can 'tune in' the frequency your currently operating on... or more importantly, help you to see that you can manifest a change.
John Edward, Crossing Over and After Life
This is an extraordinary and complete overview of mind and consciousness, from someone who has been demonstrating it in his life for many years. - Lynne McTaggart, author of The Field and The Intention Experiment.
This book has changed my life. Before I began reading it, my life was going nowhere. At 36 I still felt as if I didn't know what I wanted out of life. Eldon Taylor has taught me to look inside myself, to find what I want, and to go after it. Frankly, I believe this is the best book I've ever read and from now on I'll carry it everywhere I go, for inspiration, for guidance, and so that I never forget to go after my dreams... to never give up. Whether you're just needing a little assistance to hone one's performance attitude or in need of a complete remake, If you are looking for ONE book to change your life. This is it. I highly suggest this book if you want to change your life and get what you really want."
Aiman A. Al-Maimani
"A rare book full of deep wisdom and heart expanding energy. I loved it."
-- Dr. Joe Vitale, author of "Zero Limits" and "The Attractor Factor"
‘Choices and Illusions’ opens our minds to explore inwardly, explore how our minds work, and how to harness our minds to become clear about our purpose in life and the Love that we are.
Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.
Author of Teach Only Love, Say Goodbye to Guilt and others as well as Co-Author with Diane V. Cirincione, Ph.D. of “Finding Our Way Home” to be released by Hay House in 2008.
Choices and Illusions
Dr. Taylor’s book is dynamite!!! At last we come to yet another chapter in realizing that the subconscious mind is more powerful, affective and all pervasive in controlling the outcomes in our lives.
Eldon Taylor is an inspiration and a guiding light to me in my life………and I have only met him once on the other side of the earth at a convention in Malaysia. Yet his impact, both of self and his books has been profound in the way I live my life today!
I communicate to my audiences everywhere I go that if they need an author of substance to read and a book that would help re-model their lives, read this one!! Dr. Eldon Taylor is a genius!!!
Dr. Mel Gill, author of Uncommon Sense
With rich stories, amazing personal experience, and solid scientific evidence, Eldon Taylor provides a unique view into the workings of the inner mind, and opens the door for profound personal transformation.
Laurie Finkelstein, President, Positive Central
I laid myself back on the couch after finishing the book and I closed my eyes.
At first I did not know why I had such a strong desire to read it again and to keep it on the nightstand close to me. Then I understood.
What every cell of my body was now experiencing, was a new, powerful energy, revitalizing, rejuvenating and inviting me to start taking action immediately. It was the energy that only hope can bring.
Yes, what this book is bringing to the reader is hope. It represents the life saving ring thrown from an unexpected boat, in the middle of the ocean to an exhausted swimmer who lost his hope to reach the shore. It is the road back to the civilized world that an explorer, lost in an unfriendly jungle, suddenly discovers. It is the island with a landing field that a pilot of a plane almost out of fuel is suddenly seeing through the clouds above a rough ocean.
This book is not only offering the reader a powerful insight into how the subconscious mind is dictating human behavior but also offers the solution to regaining control of our existence on this planet.
And this is where the book stands out. We are finally able to acquire an understanding of not only why different things happen to us in our lifetime but also how to start changing our destiny, no matter how far away we are from this knowing.
It is a book for all, the initiate, as well as the ones still under the power of the illusions of this life.
It is a book designed to awaken the human consciousness.
What a wonderful relief to know that is never too late to start changing and also that we are always in full control of this process!
In my career, as a neurologist, nothing produced a more dramatic effect on my patients’ state of mind and their ability to recover from any condition than the sudden realization that they are themselves capable of influencing their own health, that they themselves are in the driver’s seat and not the doctor.
After reading this book, the spiritualists will definitely claim Dr Eldon Taylor as one of their own.
In the same time, the numerous scientific studies, proving the validity of his approach in mind training with Innertalk, done by reputable researchers, will place Dr Taylor among scientists.
So, the only possible conclusion is that Dr Taylor is both a scientist and a spiritualist.
By bridging these fields, he becomes a pioneer in what I believe could be considered the science of spirituality.
Last but definitely not least Dr Taylor is a humanitarian. Those who got acquainted to his work over the years could easily realize that his work is inspired by love, an unconditional love for a human race at crossroads and in desperate need to redefine itself in order to survive. His entire work and life are dedicated to this purpose. I am firmly convinced that as long as people like Dr Taylor exist, there is still hope for our planet to be saved and for our civilization to continue its progress towards enlightment.
Cristian Enescu, M.D.
Choices and Illusions is a valuable addition that many individuals will find accessible and helpful.
Steven Halpern Composer/recording artist and pioneering sound healer
“Taylor has reached the mind-magic fulcrum by creating a matrix for shifting perceptual reality. A bold work! The extent that consciousness pervaded the landscape of inquiry above life itself is indeed the frontier of evolutionary science.” Elaine Smitha Motivational speaker, author of If You Make The Rules, How Come You’re Not Boss and host/producer of Evolving Ideas radio and TV.
“In Choices and Illusions, Eldon Taylor takes us on a delightful and provocative odyssey through the corridors of consciousness. Using solid science, practical spirituality and common sense, he shows that our perceptions can be changed - and, once different, can catalyze dramatic improvements in our health and wellbeing.” Dawson Church, Ph. D. Author, The Genie In Your Genes.
“I thoroughly enjoyed Eldon Taylor’s work of wisdom. It will lead the reader to a glimpse of the ‘Open Mind’ that merges science and spirituality.” Vijayendra Pratap, Ph. D., D.Y. P. Founder/Director of the Yoga Research Society and the SKY Foundation, Director of the Yoga Program, Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center for Integrative Medicine, and the author of Beginning Yoga
"Transformationally insightful and thought-provoking, Dr. Eldon Taylor's "Choices and Illusions" examines the most basic assumptions we hold and take for granted. Dr. Taylor clearly elucidates how our thought patterns and beliefs impact our realities, shape our futures, and contribute to our self-esteem, happiness, success, and fulfillment - or to the lack of these desirable qualities. His fresh perspectives regarding the many assaults we receive from the outside world daily and how the invisible paradigms we are subject to limit our joy, personal power, and ability to step into our potential open up an entirely new world of possibilities for our growth and development. Dr. Taylor is one of the foremost philosophers of our time and his book is a great contribution to empowering our lives and sourcing our magnificence. I strongly recommend it. " Dr. Joe Rubino CEO, The Center for Personal Reinvention, and author of 11 Books on Personal Development and Business Topics available worldwide in 19 languages including "The Self-Esteem Book"
I have known and admired Eldon Taylor for over 20 years. When we were struggling to build America’s first National Judo Institute in Colorado, Eldon called to discuss the psychological progress of our athletes. He volunteered to visit us at his own expense to create a subliminal audiotape for our Judo champions. We worked out the affirmations with Eldon’s help, and used the tape a great deal. That audiotape was, I believe, an important factor in our winning first place in America as a team for several years, securing several spots on the 1992 US Olympic Judo Team, and Kate Donahoo’s fifth place finish in those Olympics.
Now I am very excited about Dr. Taylor’s new book, Choices and Illusions. To me, it not only gives the scientific background we need to understand how subliminal learning takes place, but also ties our minds in with the only logical explanation of Reality I know. It simply proves to me again, in a scientific and wonderful way, how our minds are part of the one Reality, and how we are inhibited from realizing that Reality by our conditioning, attitudes, and beliefs.
Then the book goes on to let us know how we can return home to our true nature, locked into that Reality again. Through learning to live with awe, empathy, and right, unselfish actions, we will bring the world and ourselves home to Reality. That is triumph!
I don’t believe there is a more important book on human happiness than Choices and Illusions.
Philip S. Porter Founder, United States Martial Arts Association 10th Degree Black Belt, Judo, Jujitsu, Taiho Jitsu, Jun Kin Shin, Budo Taijutsu, Beikoku Mizu Ryu JuJitsu 9th Degree Black Belt, Wushu, 8th Degree Black Belt, Karate Major, United States Air Force (Retired), U.S. Military Academy, West Point, Class of 1948
I think few today would deny the connection between the body and mind; particularly, with respect to one's mental and physical well-being. Dr. Taylor has gone into intricate detail to show some of the deeply hidden ways we "create" our successes and disappointments in life. But most of all, he shares how we might all consciously design the life we truly desire and proceed to achieve it. En route, he points out we are likely to experience "tests"-- and in fact, a never-ending series of tests that are the source of our continuing learning and growth. And somewhere along this journey -- independent of age -- he suggests we quite naturally discover a deeper dimension of ourselves, the spiritual. Finally, Dr. Taylor points out discovering that wholeness -- body, mind, and spirit -- within ourselves is the true source of happiness. Along this journey of continually discovering happiness, Dr. Taylor discusses the detailed working of the mind and suggests ways we can transform our deeply ingrained fears into empowering, motivating beliefs about ourselves. The result is a book that will not only change your perspective of life, but also result in a deeper understanding, empathy, and compassion for others. I highly recommend "Choices and Illusions" a "Must Read! "
William Guillory, Ph. D. Founder of Innovations Consulting and author of several books including Spirituality in the Workplace
"With a combination of insight and vast scientific data, Dr; Taylor delves into the workings of the mind and its enormous capacity for change through our divine power of choice. Terri Marie Award winning author of "Be the Hero of Your Own Game. "
Why do we have such a difficult time making and sticking with changes we wish to incorporate in our lives? A challenging question, indeed, and addressed by many self-help gurus and spiritual groups. Though well intentioned, few actually succeed in “helping” others to help themselves. They inspire for a brief moment, but the changes rarely kick in and stay put!
Choices and Illusions explains not only why this phenomenon happens repeatedly, but actually provides a pathway around the subconscious saboteur that impedes one's progress. Dr. Eldon Taylor, a well-respected expert in the field of subliminal communication, leads the reader into a place of simplified understanding of the discipline that brings an end to the war between the heart and the head; between spirit and science. In a time when we are desperately seeking a balance between the dualities in our lives, Choices and Illusions provides a true recipe for success, sans the confusion that often accompanies the arrogance of intellectualism. There isn't a person alive who wouldn't benefit from this read! Angelina Heart author of The Teaching of Little Crow, the journey of the soul, Heart Flame Publishing,
I found his book incredible insightful. Eldon has done an excellent job in demonstrating and explaining the power of the subconscious mind. Using the images and photos to make the point that not everything is as it first appears, was done very well. So many people have such strong limiting beliefs and I believe that this book will show them the true potential that lies within all of us. As you know I’ve been a true believer in affirmations and self-programming for years. And after reading the testimonials in this book, it has just strengthened my belief. Successfully, Jason Boreyko Author of Making the Impossible Possible.
I just finished Eldon Taylor’s new book, Choices and Illusions, which makes
a strong case for subliminal learning documented by numerous case studies.
I was so taken by this offering and the possibilities it offers concerning
reprogramming our minds and bodies by listening to InnerTalk subliminal
recordings that I immediately ordered and read one of his earlier books,
Subliminal Learning, and several InnerTalk CDs. The second book gave me more
information about the technology and the CDs I am listening to regularly.
Either I am highly suggestible or these things actually work. Since
listening to Neat and Tidy, which I am not, I find myself cleaning and
picking up. When I listen to Powerful Memory, old memories from long past
crop up as if my mind was defragging itself like a computer and I have a
compulsion to do a better job or remembering names, something that was not
my forte. I haven’t had them for very long. I am going to keep playing
Winston Cook
Author of Incidents Beyond Coincidence
Choices And Illusions Book Review
Choices and Illusions is much more than just a cure for the common life. It is a veritable roadmap to understanding why most people are fundamentally unhappy. It explains clearly why most of the very choices we make are in fact not our own choices and how this prevents us from reaching our goals. Eldon Taylor does an excellent job in showing you how to get your inner and outer goals in line. When you are no longer fighting with your inner self, your life changes.
In this extraordinary book, Eldon Taylor shares his amazing spiritual awakening while putting a scientific light on the nature of the development of our most guarded innermost secret self and how, when and why it conflicts with our desired self and our personal ambitions.
Ever wonder why you do what you have repeatedly said you would not do? Ever wonder why the very things you disliked most, that your parents did, you do? Ever wonder how and why you got to where you are and how you can get to where you want to be? Ever wonder why some people seem to have it all and for others, life just gets harder and harder each day? Ever wonder what it would be like to feel self-actualized, happy, content and blessed? Choices and Illusions has both the answers to these questions and the life-changing transformative methods to find and live a life of peace, balance, harmony and happiness now; regardless of where you are or what you might have done.
Captivating, refreshing, invigorating, inspirational, these are but a few terms that apply to Choices and Illusions. The author, Eldon Taylor, has taught the fundamentals of happiness for over twenty years to millions around the world, but never has his message been so readable and so succinct. Rarely is there a book that everyone can read and gain from. This book promises to be a true perennial because it is just that kind of book. Feel comfortable—no, feel great about recommending this book to anyone that feels life has to have more meaning and purpose than they presently grasp. In fact, feel terrific about recommending this book to everyone.
A bundle of wisdom awaits you in this wonderful book!
Post Update 1/07/08
I am very grateful for all of the support given to my newest book, Choices and Illusions, by so many well-known leaders in the personal growth field. People like Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, JZ Knight (Ramtha), Lynne McTaggart, Joan Borysenko, Michael Beckwith, Barbara De Angelis, John Assaraf, Sonia Choquette, Bruce Lipton, Sandra Anne Taylor, Caroline Myss, Peggy McColl, and so many others.
As humbling as their support is, your support is most meaningful for without you the book would never have been the success it is and continues to be. Your letters and comments have both thrilled me and brought tears to my eyes. Your stories regarding the impact the book has made on your life is most meaningful to me—thank you!
With that said, I must admit to shaking my head from time to time when I see some of the book reviews posted here at Amazon. I know the book upsets some people and I have known for some time that there are those involved in subliminal information processing who do not want you to read the book. Well before the publication of Choices I received requests to rewrite some of the book. These requests ranged from ‘soften my interpretation of the science’ to ‘eliminate some of my criticism of certain methods employed in the use of this technology.’ I chose to make no changes. Indeed, in order to share honestly what I learned over 25 years of work, I included my own research. I don’t know how else I could have demonstrated the findings short of just making some unfounded claim. I also shared real life stories from individuals and health care professionals that tried my work and found life changing results. Apparently to some, this constitutes an infomercial. I don’t believe that is the case, but I admit to patenting technologies I designed and researched. Most importantly to me, I shared my work with other researchers so I can share with you not just my findings on my own work but the findings of many independent researchers at leading institutions around the world.
If you have not read Choices, I urge you to do so. Get it at the local library if you prefer. The fact is, this book can empower your life just from using what you will learn in the book. You need buy nothing else. The book alone shares the important methods necessary for everyone to enjoy their very best in everything they do and to justly receive the rewards. You do deserve the absolute cornucopia of joy life holds for all of us.
John Edward, Crossing Over and After Life
This is an extraordinary and complete overview of mind and consciousness, from someone who has been demonstrating it in his life for many years. - Lynne McTaggart, author of The Field and The Intention Experiment.
This book has changed my life. Before I began reading it, my life was going nowhere. At 36 I still felt as if I didn't know what I wanted out of life. Eldon Taylor has taught me to look inside myself, to find what I want, and to go after it. Frankly, I believe this is the best book I've ever read and from now on I'll carry it everywhere I go, for inspiration, for guidance, and so that I never forget to go after my dreams... to never give up. Whether you're just needing a little assistance to hone one's performance attitude or in need of a complete remake, If you are looking for ONE book to change your life. This is it. I highly suggest this book if you want to change your life and get what you really want."
Aiman A. Al-Maimani
"A rare book full of deep wisdom and heart expanding energy. I loved it."
-- Dr. Joe Vitale, author of "Zero Limits" and "The Attractor Factor"
‘Choices and Illusions’ opens our minds to explore inwardly, explore how our minds work, and how to harness our minds to become clear about our purpose in life and the Love that we are.
Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.
Author of Teach Only Love, Say Goodbye to Guilt and others as well as Co-Author with Diane V. Cirincione, Ph.D. of “Finding Our Way Home” to be released by Hay House in 2008.
Choices and Illusions
Dr. Taylor’s book is dynamite!!! At last we come to yet another chapter in realizing that the subconscious mind is more powerful, affective and all pervasive in controlling the outcomes in our lives.
Eldon Taylor is an inspiration and a guiding light to me in my life………and I have only met him once on the other side of the earth at a convention in Malaysia. Yet his impact, both of self and his books has been profound in the way I live my life today!
I communicate to my audiences everywhere I go that if they need an author of substance to read and a book that would help re-model their lives, read this one!! Dr. Eldon Taylor is a genius!!!
Dr. Mel Gill, author of Uncommon Sense
With rich stories, amazing personal experience, and solid scientific evidence, Eldon Taylor provides a unique view into the workings of the inner mind, and opens the door for profound personal transformation.
Laurie Finkelstein, President, Positive Central
I laid myself back on the couch after finishing the book and I closed my eyes.
At first I did not know why I had such a strong desire to read it again and to keep it on the nightstand close to me. Then I understood.
What every cell of my body was now experiencing, was a new, powerful energy, revitalizing, rejuvenating and inviting me to start taking action immediately. It was the energy that only hope can bring.
Yes, what this book is bringing to the reader is hope. It represents the life saving ring thrown from an unexpected boat, in the middle of the ocean to an exhausted swimmer who lost his hope to reach the shore. It is the road back to the civilized world that an explorer, lost in an unfriendly jungle, suddenly discovers. It is the island with a landing field that a pilot of a plane almost out of fuel is suddenly seeing through the clouds above a rough ocean.
This book is not only offering the reader a powerful insight into how the subconscious mind is dictating human behavior but also offers the solution to regaining control of our existence on this planet.
And this is where the book stands out. We are finally able to acquire an understanding of not only why different things happen to us in our lifetime but also how to start changing our destiny, no matter how far away we are from this knowing.
It is a book for all, the initiate, as well as the ones still under the power of the illusions of this life.
It is a book designed to awaken the human consciousness.
What a wonderful relief to know that is never too late to start changing and also that we are always in full control of this process!
In my career, as a neurologist, nothing produced a more dramatic effect on my patients’ state of mind and their ability to recover from any condition than the sudden realization that they are themselves capable of influencing their own health, that they themselves are in the driver’s seat and not the doctor.
After reading this book, the spiritualists will definitely claim Dr Eldon Taylor as one of their own.
In the same time, the numerous scientific studies, proving the validity of his approach in mind training with Innertalk, done by reputable researchers, will place Dr Taylor among scientists.
So, the only possible conclusion is that Dr Taylor is both a scientist and a spiritualist.
By bridging these fields, he becomes a pioneer in what I believe could be considered the science of spirituality.
Last but definitely not least Dr Taylor is a humanitarian. Those who got acquainted to his work over the years could easily realize that his work is inspired by love, an unconditional love for a human race at crossroads and in desperate need to redefine itself in order to survive. His entire work and life are dedicated to this purpose. I am firmly convinced that as long as people like Dr Taylor exist, there is still hope for our planet to be saved and for our civilization to continue its progress towards enlightment.
Cristian Enescu, M.D.
Choices and Illusions is a valuable addition that many individuals will find accessible and helpful.
Steven Halpern Composer/recording artist and pioneering sound healer
“Taylor has reached the mind-magic fulcrum by creating a matrix for shifting perceptual reality. A bold work! The extent that consciousness pervaded the landscape of inquiry above life itself is indeed the frontier of evolutionary science.” Elaine Smitha Motivational speaker, author of If You Make The Rules, How Come You’re Not Boss and host/producer of Evolving Ideas radio and TV.
“In Choices and Illusions, Eldon Taylor takes us on a delightful and provocative odyssey through the corridors of consciousness. Using solid science, practical spirituality and common sense, he shows that our perceptions can be changed - and, once different, can catalyze dramatic improvements in our health and wellbeing.” Dawson Church, Ph. D. Author, The Genie In Your Genes.
“I thoroughly enjoyed Eldon Taylor’s work of wisdom. It will lead the reader to a glimpse of the ‘Open Mind’ that merges science and spirituality.” Vijayendra Pratap, Ph. D., D.Y. P. Founder/Director of the Yoga Research Society and the SKY Foundation, Director of the Yoga Program, Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center for Integrative Medicine, and the author of Beginning Yoga
"Transformationally insightful and thought-provoking, Dr. Eldon Taylor's "Choices and Illusions" examines the most basic assumptions we hold and take for granted. Dr. Taylor clearly elucidates how our thought patterns and beliefs impact our realities, shape our futures, and contribute to our self-esteem, happiness, success, and fulfillment - or to the lack of these desirable qualities. His fresh perspectives regarding the many assaults we receive from the outside world daily and how the invisible paradigms we are subject to limit our joy, personal power, and ability to step into our potential open up an entirely new world of possibilities for our growth and development. Dr. Taylor is one of the foremost philosophers of our time and his book is a great contribution to empowering our lives and sourcing our magnificence. I strongly recommend it. " Dr. Joe Rubino CEO, The Center for Personal Reinvention, and author of 11 Books on Personal Development and Business Topics available worldwide in 19 languages including "The Self-Esteem Book"
I have known and admired Eldon Taylor for over 20 years. When we were struggling to build America’s first National Judo Institute in Colorado, Eldon called to discuss the psychological progress of our athletes. He volunteered to visit us at his own expense to create a subliminal audiotape for our Judo champions. We worked out the affirmations with Eldon’s help, and used the tape a great deal. That audiotape was, I believe, an important factor in our winning first place in America as a team for several years, securing several spots on the 1992 US Olympic Judo Team, and Kate Donahoo’s fifth place finish in those Olympics.
Now I am very excited about Dr. Taylor’s new book, Choices and Illusions. To me, it not only gives the scientific background we need to understand how subliminal learning takes place, but also ties our minds in with the only logical explanation of Reality I know. It simply proves to me again, in a scientific and wonderful way, how our minds are part of the one Reality, and how we are inhibited from realizing that Reality by our conditioning, attitudes, and beliefs.
Then the book goes on to let us know how we can return home to our true nature, locked into that Reality again. Through learning to live with awe, empathy, and right, unselfish actions, we will bring the world and ourselves home to Reality. That is triumph!
I don’t believe there is a more important book on human happiness than Choices and Illusions.
Philip S. Porter Founder, United States Martial Arts Association 10th Degree Black Belt, Judo, Jujitsu, Taiho Jitsu, Jun Kin Shin, Budo Taijutsu, Beikoku Mizu Ryu JuJitsu 9th Degree Black Belt, Wushu, 8th Degree Black Belt, Karate Major, United States Air Force (Retired), U.S. Military Academy, West Point, Class of 1948
I think few today would deny the connection between the body and mind; particularly, with respect to one's mental and physical well-being. Dr. Taylor has gone into intricate detail to show some of the deeply hidden ways we "create" our successes and disappointments in life. But most of all, he shares how we might all consciously design the life we truly desire and proceed to achieve it. En route, he points out we are likely to experience "tests"-- and in fact, a never-ending series of tests that are the source of our continuing learning and growth. And somewhere along this journey -- independent of age -- he suggests we quite naturally discover a deeper dimension of ourselves, the spiritual. Finally, Dr. Taylor points out discovering that wholeness -- body, mind, and spirit -- within ourselves is the true source of happiness. Along this journey of continually discovering happiness, Dr. Taylor discusses the detailed working of the mind and suggests ways we can transform our deeply ingrained fears into empowering, motivating beliefs about ourselves. The result is a book that will not only change your perspective of life, but also result in a deeper understanding, empathy, and compassion for others. I highly recommend "Choices and Illusions" a "Must Read! "
William Guillory, Ph. D. Founder of Innovations Consulting and author of several books including Spirituality in the Workplace
"With a combination of insight and vast scientific data, Dr; Taylor delves into the workings of the mind and its enormous capacity for change through our divine power of choice. Terri Marie Award winning author of "Be the Hero of Your Own Game. "
Why do we have such a difficult time making and sticking with changes we wish to incorporate in our lives? A challenging question, indeed, and addressed by many self-help gurus and spiritual groups. Though well intentioned, few actually succeed in “helping” others to help themselves. They inspire for a brief moment, but the changes rarely kick in and stay put!
Choices and Illusions explains not only why this phenomenon happens repeatedly, but actually provides a pathway around the subconscious saboteur that impedes one's progress. Dr. Eldon Taylor, a well-respected expert in the field of subliminal communication, leads the reader into a place of simplified understanding of the discipline that brings an end to the war between the heart and the head; between spirit and science. In a time when we are desperately seeking a balance between the dualities in our lives, Choices and Illusions provides a true recipe for success, sans the confusion that often accompanies the arrogance of intellectualism. There isn't a person alive who wouldn't benefit from this read! Angelina Heart author of The Teaching of Little Crow, the journey of the soul, Heart Flame Publishing,
I found his book incredible insightful. Eldon has done an excellent job in demonstrating and explaining the power of the subconscious mind. Using the images and photos to make the point that not everything is as it first appears, was done very well. So many people have such strong limiting beliefs and I believe that this book will show them the true potential that lies within all of us. As you know I’ve been a true believer in affirmations and self-programming for years. And after reading the testimonials in this book, it has just strengthened my belief. Successfully, Jason Boreyko Author of Making the Impossible Possible.
I just finished Eldon Taylor’s new book, Choices and Illusions, which makes
a strong case for subliminal learning documented by numerous case studies.
I was so taken by this offering and the possibilities it offers concerning
reprogramming our minds and bodies by listening to InnerTalk subliminal
recordings that I immediately ordered and read one of his earlier books,
Subliminal Learning, and several InnerTalk CDs. The second book gave me more
information about the technology and the CDs I am listening to regularly.
Either I am highly suggestible or these things actually work. Since
listening to Neat and Tidy, which I am not, I find myself cleaning and
picking up. When I listen to Powerful Memory, old memories from long past
crop up as if my mind was defragging itself like a computer and I have a
compulsion to do a better job or remembering names, something that was not
my forte. I haven’t had them for very long. I am going to keep playing
Winston Cook
Author of Incidents Beyond Coincidence
Choices And Illusions Book Review
Choices and Illusions is much more than just a cure for the common life. It is a veritable roadmap to understanding why most people are fundamentally unhappy. It explains clearly why most of the very choices we make are in fact not our own choices and how this prevents us from reaching our goals. Eldon Taylor does an excellent job in showing you how to get your inner and outer goals in line. When you are no longer fighting with your inner self, your life changes.
In this extraordinary book, Eldon Taylor shares his amazing spiritual awakening while putting a scientific light on the nature of the development of our most guarded innermost secret self and how, when and why it conflicts with our desired self and our personal ambitions.
Ever wonder why you do what you have repeatedly said you would not do? Ever wonder why the very things you disliked most, that your parents did, you do? Ever wonder how and why you got to where you are and how you can get to where you want to be? Ever wonder why some people seem to have it all and for others, life just gets harder and harder each day? Ever wonder what it would be like to feel self-actualized, happy, content and blessed? Choices and Illusions has both the answers to these questions and the life-changing transformative methods to find and live a life of peace, balance, harmony and happiness now; regardless of where you are or what you might have done.
Captivating, refreshing, invigorating, inspirational, these are but a few terms that apply to Choices and Illusions. The author, Eldon Taylor, has taught the fundamentals of happiness for over twenty years to millions around the world, but never has his message been so readable and so succinct. Rarely is there a book that everyone can read and gain from. This book promises to be a true perennial because it is just that kind of book. Feel comfortable—no, feel great about recommending this book to anyone that feels life has to have more meaning and purpose than they presently grasp. In fact, feel terrific about recommending this book to everyone.
A bundle of wisdom awaits you in this wonderful book!
Post Update 1/07/08
I am very grateful for all of the support given to my newest book, Choices and Illusions, by so many well-known leaders in the personal growth field. People like Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, JZ Knight (Ramtha), Lynne McTaggart, Joan Borysenko, Michael Beckwith, Barbara De Angelis, John Assaraf, Sonia Choquette, Bruce Lipton, Sandra Anne Taylor, Caroline Myss, Peggy McColl, and so many others.
As humbling as their support is, your support is most meaningful for without you the book would never have been the success it is and continues to be. Your letters and comments have both thrilled me and brought tears to my eyes. Your stories regarding the impact the book has made on your life is most meaningful to me—thank you!
With that said, I must admit to shaking my head from time to time when I see some of the book reviews posted here at Amazon. I know the book upsets some people and I have known for some time that there are those involved in subliminal information processing who do not want you to read the book. Well before the publication of Choices I received requests to rewrite some of the book. These requests ranged from ‘soften my interpretation of the science’ to ‘eliminate some of my criticism of certain methods employed in the use of this technology.’ I chose to make no changes. Indeed, in order to share honestly what I learned over 25 years of work, I included my own research. I don’t know how else I could have demonstrated the findings short of just making some unfounded claim. I also shared real life stories from individuals and health care professionals that tried my work and found life changing results. Apparently to some, this constitutes an infomercial. I don’t believe that is the case, but I admit to patenting technologies I designed and researched. Most importantly to me, I shared my work with other researchers so I can share with you not just my findings on my own work but the findings of many independent researchers at leading institutions around the world.
If you have not read Choices, I urge you to do so. Get it at the local library if you prefer. The fact is, this book can empower your life just from using what you will learn in the book. You need buy nothing else. The book alone shares the important methods necessary for everyone to enjoy their very best in everything they do and to justly receive the rewards. You do deserve the absolute cornucopia of joy life holds for all of us.